- Ratha Sapthami: The routine chanting of the ashta:kshari manthra from 6:30 am to 7:30 am today was followed by chanting of Aditya Hrudhayam at around 8 am on the occasion of Ratha Sapthami. Poornahuthi was performed at around 1:30 pm.
- 33 deities were consecrated in Divya Desams from Adivasa mandapam on the 7th of February. Ankura:rpana mandapam had new saplings which were distributed in 3 pots called gatika, sharavaha and palikalu.
- Special guests of honor at Ya:gasha:la: Honorable Home Minister Sri.Amit Shah ji arrived today. Veda a:shirvachanam amidst chanting of Vedic hymns, was given to him. Around 200 Haridasas from different parts of the southern states sought blessings of HH Swamiji. Apart from them, Anandayya – one who discovered a desi/ayurvedic medicine for Covid visited Swamiji and attended Purna:huthi.
Description of the entrances at Ya:gasha:la:
Direction | Veda | Presiding deity |
East | Rug Veda | Indra |
West | Sa:ma Veda | Varuna |
North | Attharva Veda | Kube:ra |
South | Yajur veda | Yama |
At each entrance, two de:vathas are invoked and installed to protect the ya:gasha:la. Prayers are offered to the de:vathas before and after commencing the daily rituals in the morning and evening respectively. |
Description of the Kundas at Ya:gasha:la:
Each ya:gasha:la can have 1, 2, 4,5or 9 kundas. HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji decided to conduct this ya:gam using 9 kundas as the number 9 is auspicious in the sa:nkhya sa:sthra.
Each kunda has three steps – me:gha:la:lu as per the pa:nchara:thra a:gama.
Description of the platforms at Ya:gasha:la:
Each ya:gasha:la has 4 low-raised platforms near the entrances and 4 medium-raised platforms in the 4 corners of the ya:gasha:la:
Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest –Garuda, Lakshmi, Vainathe:ya and other de:vathas are invited to protect and bless the devotees.
The pradha:na ve:dika – the raised platform in the centre of the ya:gasha:la hosts Na:ra:yana and Va:sudeva Perumal. Every day, ara:dhana is performed to the Lord in the pradha:na ve:dika.
Divya Desa Kalasa: Few ya:gasha:las have divya desa kalasa:s as well. A special manthra for each divya desa is chanted by offering ghee and samidha:s in the fire altar. After completion, the sampa:daya:dhyam is taken and placed in the divya desa kalasam. Thus, the divine energy which is invoked in this process is stored in this kalasam and this is taken out in a procession on the day of prathishta. The energized water is sprinkled on the particular deity – thereby transferring the whole energy into the deity.
Note: National Level Artist events – To Be Added.
The day started with devotees performing a:ra:dhana of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha at around 9:30 AM. At around 10:30 AM, Dharma:cha:rya Sadassu – a confluence of saints from all sects / ideologies from all over the country commenced with grandeur.
Blessed is the Pravachana mandapam today to receive the holiest of saints in saffron from all over India. Every holy sadhu was respectfully welcomed with a Poorna Kumbham by the scholars as if to depict the completeness of their Jnana, knowledge.
HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji inaugurated this confluence of saints by a Vedic prayer. He set the context for this 2-day event and explained the process that will be followed for this sadassu. All saints who graced this occasion were introduced by Swamiji and a couple of coordinators.
After introductions and setting the context, the eminent group of saints and their followers moved on to partake the prasa:dam in Thadiya:ra:dhana mandapam. After lunch break, this group will be divided into four break-away groups to brainstorm on the topics given, so that each saint gets enough opportunity to put together their thoughts and recommendations in detail. The groups were divided on the basis of language in which Sadhus are most comfortable – Two of the breakaway groups are formed of saints who are from northern parts of India and are fluent in Hindi. One group of Telugu and Kannada speaking saints and another group of Tamil and Malayalam-speaking saints will move to the conference venue for group discussions in JIMS Homeo college adjacent to the ashram. In the evening at around 5:30 PM, their recommendations will be presented again to the public in Pravachana Mandapam (main stage) by respective group leads. Among the four topics given to these groups, first two topics will be discussed in detail today and the other two topics will be discussed and summarised tomorrow (9th February). The goal is to present the recommendations to the rulers of country so that they can be implemented. The four topics on which these groups will be debating are as follows:
- Relevance of Sri Ramanuja’s ideology of Equality in present day’s context.
- “Worship our own, respect all” – A practical approach. (How can this be implemented in today’s society)
- Relevance of native system of farming for a healthy society (How do we revive Vedic agriculture so that our future generations can eat healthy and non-toxic food)
- Need of value-based family system in promoting patriotism and holistic development (How can we preserve the joint-family system by which future generations can imbibe our culture from elders and be grounded to our roots).
Subsequently there were a few cultural events:
- Soumithri sisters from Bhadrachalam performed a wonderful musical performance.
Spiritual discourses from eminent persons included:
- Sriman V S R Murthy garu, an eminent educationalist and volunteer of Sri Sathya Sai Seva organization spoke about the Bhakthi
- Today, for ba:la bho:gam (Breakfast), 25,000 people were served Masala rice (bagaar annam), Red Chilly chutney and Boondi (sweet).
- Ra:ja bho:gam (Lunch) was served for around 1,00,000 people until 3 PM today. Menu included rice along with Tomato dal, Fried vegetable balls, Potato curry, Brinjal curry, Capsicum curry, sambar, chutney, Dry-fruit-halwa for sweet, and butter milk.