Name of the Temple (English) | Temple No | Name of the Temple (Telugu) |
THIRUCHERAI | 12 | తిరుచ్చేరై |
THALAI CHENGA NA:NMADIYAM | 13 | తలైచ్చంగనాణ్మదియమ్ |
THIRUVA:LI- TIRUNAGARI | 17 | తిరువాలి – తిరునగరి |
KANCHI:RA:MA VINNAGARAM | 20 | కాంచీరామ విణ్ణగరమ్ |
VAIKUNTHA VINNAGARAM | 31 | వైకున్దవిణ్ణగరమ్ |
SEMPANSEYKOIL | 35 | శెంపొన్ శెయ్ కోయిల్ |
THIRU MANIKKU:DAM | 36 | తిరుమణిక్కూడమ్ |
THIRU THETRI YAMBALAM | 37 | తిరుత్తెట్రియమ్బలమ్ |
THIRU PARTHA:N PALLI | 40 | తిరు పార్తన్ పళ్ళి |
THIRU MA:LIRUMSOLAI | 41 | తిరుమాలిరుంశోలై |
THIRU MEYYAM | 43 | తిరుమెయ్యమ్ |
THIRU THANGA:L | 45 | తిరుత్తణ్కాల్ |
THIRU KA:TKARAI | 61 | తిరుక్కాట్కరై |
THIRU MU:LIKKALLAM | 62 | తిరుమూరిక్కళమ్ |
THIRUKKADITHAANAM | 70 | తిరుక్కడిత్తానమ్ |
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM | 74 | తిరువనంతపురమ్ |
THIRUVE:LUKKAI | 77 | తిరువేళుక్కై |
THIRU VEDAIVINDAI | 92 | తిరువిడైవెన్దై |
THIRUKKADAL MALLAI | 93 | తిరుక్కడల్ మల్లె |
The routine: The day’s program today started with chanting of the ashta:kshari manthra from 6:30 am to 7:30 am followed by se:va:ka:lam and ya:gam at around 9 am. pu:rna:huthi was completed by 2 pm today.
Divya Desam deities’ consecration: 19 deities were consecrated in divya desams which were in Adivasa mandapam.
Today’s Istis:
- Vayyuhikesthi
- Sri Na:rasimha Isti
Description of the ya:gasha:la dwa:ras
There are 114 Yajna sa:la:s. Each one has 4 dwa:ra:s, entrances. Each entrance has two dwa:rapa:lakas, the divine gate keepers. Each entrance has two dhwaja:s– pillars. That which joins the pillars is called tho:ranam. |
Dwa:ra |
Direction | Dhwaja’s cColour |
Rugve:da | Chanda and Prachanda | East | Red | Ashwattha |
Badra and Subadra | South | Yellow | Kauthumbara |
Sa:mave:da | Jaya and Vijaya | West | Blue | Nyagrottha |
Atharvana ve:da | Datru and Vidatru | North | White | Plaksha |
After concluding prayers, pu:rna:huthi prasadam, the sanctified food will be offered to dwa:rapa:lakas. It is called Baliharan | ||||
Prayers are performed to kunda, kumbha, bimba and mandala. Hence the whole process is called Chatthushta:rchana – prayers at four spaces www.chinnajeeyar.org/yajna-and-its-significance
Guest of honour: Central Minister of Defence, Sri.Rajnath Singh ji visited ya:gasha:la and sought mangala:sa:sanas of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji.
Special mentions, facts and stats:
- Photos of Acharya Parampara: These were were exhibited in the premises of ya:gasha:la at Sudharshana.
- Nethra Vidyalaya: Students presented different types of multi crafted jewellery and exhibited them.
- Availability of ATMs: 24/7
- Medical centre: Yashodha medical centre was available with 20 staff members including a duty doctor and nurses.
- Ambulance service: Ashas ambulance service was available 24/7.
- Covid vaccination drive: It was available for the second and booster at Yashodha medical centre in ya:gasha:la.
- Octopus special commandos: 30 members of discharged their duties.
- Police and Fire personnel: Around 7000 police force and 2000 fire staff were available.
- Medical staff: Around 20 members of well-equipped medical staff prepared for all emergencies were available.
Note: National Level Artist events – To Be Added.
The day started with devotees performing a:ra:dhana to Bhagavad Ramanuja at around 9:30 AM under the aegis of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji.
A few of the subsequent cultural programs that started around 11:30 AM are as follows:
- A wonderful Kuchipudi dance performance by “Natya Sri” Chironjoy Poddar, Yathira:ja Valli and Putta: Sri:tha. The disciple gems of Padma Bhushan Dr. Vempati Chinna Sathyam garu shone brightly as they performed ‘Marakatha Mani’.
- Kathak performance by Sri Sanjay Kumar Joshi and Srivalli Rao.
Discourses from eminent persons included:
- Sriman Devara:ja:charya Swamiji – a scholar and eminent acharya from Nepal. He spoke about importance of an acharya.
- Sriman Bhaktavathsalam Swamy – Sanskrit scholar from Nellore – remembered his association with HH Pedda Jeeyar Swamiji and his experiences in various programs of JET.
- Thothathri Muralidharan Swami from Bombay – spoke about how chanting the name of God is more powerful than God Himself!
- Sriman Varadhan Swami, who is from the lineage of Ananthacharya Alwar spoke about Ramanuja’s association with one of his acharyas – Kanchi purna and how it was instrumental in influencing Ramanuja’s Sriman Varadhan Swami is conducting research on Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya under the guidance of Maha mahopadhyaya Sriman Samudrala Ranga Ramanujacharya Swami varu, though he is in IT field by profession.
- Today, for ba:la bho:gam (Breakfast) 15,000 people were served Tamarind rice (puliho:ra).
- Ra:ja bho:gam (Lunch) was served for around 40,000 people until 3 PM today. Menu included rice along with green-leaves bajji, Tomato dal, Potato curry, Stuffed Brinjal curry, Cabbage-Potato curry, sambar, chutney, Baadusha as sweet and butter milk.