Name of the Temple (English) | Temple No | Name of the Temple (Telugu) |
THANJAI MA:MANI KOIL | 7 | తంజమామణిక్కోయిల్ |
THIRU VALUNDU:R | 9 | తిరువాదనూర్ |
SIRU PPULLIYU:R | 11 | శిఱుపులియూర్ |
THIRUVINNAGAR | 16 | తిరువిణ్ణగర్ |
THIRUKKANNA PURAM | 18 | తిరుక్కణ్ణపురమ్ |
THIRU NARAIYUR | 24 | తిరునఱైయూర్ |
THIRU KU:DALU:R | 25 | తిరుక్కూడలూర్ |
THIRUKKANAMGUDI | 26 | తిరుక్కణ్ణంగుడి |
THIRUKKANNA MANGAI | 27 | తిరుక్కణ్ణ మంగై |
THIRU VELLIYUMGUDI | 29 | తిరువెళ్ళియఙ్గుడి |
ARIMEYA VINNAGARAM | 32 | అరిమేయవిణ్ణగరమ్ |
THIRU THEVANA;R THOGAI | 33 | తిరుత్తేవనార్ తొగై |
VANPURUSHO:THAM | 34 | వణ్ పురుషోత్తమ్ |
THIRU KAVALAM PA:DI | 38 | తిరుక్కావళంబాడి |
THIRU VELLAKKULLAM | 39 | తిరువెళ్ళక్కుళమ్ |
THIRU PARTHA:N PALLI | 40 | తిరు పార్తన్ పళ్ళి |
SRI VILLI PUTHU:R | 47 | శ్రీవిల్లిపుత్తూర్ |
THEN MADURAI | 48 | తెన్ మదురై |
THOLAI VILLI MANGALAM | 50 | తిరుత్తొలైవిల్లిమఙ్గలమ్ |
SIRI:VARA MANGAI | 51 | తిరు శిరీవరమంగై |
THIRU PULLIYUM GUDI | 52 | తిరుప్పుళింగుడి |
THEN THIRUPPERAI | 53 | తెన్ తిరుప్పేర్ |
SRI:VAIKUNTHAM | 54 | శ్రీవైకుంఠం |
VARAGUNA MANGAI | 55 | తిరువరగుణమంగై |
THIRUKKULANDAI | 56 | తిరుక్కుళందై |
THIRU KURUMGUDI | 57 | తిరుక్కురుంగుడి |
THIRUKKACHI | 59 | తిరుక్కంచి |
THIRUVANPARISARAM | 60 | తిరువణ్ పరిశారమ్ |
THIRUNA:VAYA | 65 | తిరునావాయ్ |
THIRUVANVANDU:R | 67 | తిరువణ్ వండూర్ |
THIRU MOGU:R | 68 | తిరుమోగూర్ |
THIRUVITHUVAKKO:DU | 69 | తిరువిత్తువక్కోడు |
THIRUVA:RANVILAI | 71 | తిరువారన్ విలై |
THIRUNE:RAGAM | 79 | తిరునీరగమ్ |
THIRU VENKA: | 82 | తిరువెంకా |
THIRUKA:RAKAM | 83 | తిరుక్కారగమ్ |
6:00 am to 6:30 am | HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji continued to elaborate on how to strengthen your mind |
6:30 am to 7:30 am | Ashta:kshari Mahamantra Japa Anushta:nam, meditating on the ardha, meaning of the manthra. |
9:00 am | 1035 kunda Sri Lakshmi Narayana Maha Yajna for the day commenced |
2:00 pm | Pu:rna:huthi in the presence of HH Sri Dhattapeetam Ganapathi Sachidhananda Swami varu was done at around 1:30 pm. |
Divya Desam deities’ consecration: 37 deities were consecrated today in divya desams from Adivasa mandapam. So far around 89 deities prathistha:panas have been completed. Consecration for the rest of the 20 deities will be done on the 13th of February.
Today’s Istis:
- Hayagri:va ishti
- Sudarshana ishti
Guests of honour: Tamil Nadu Governor R.N.Ravi garu,M.L.A Roja garu and Tollywood cine actor Allu arjun garu visited ya:gasha:la and sought mangala:sa:sanas of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji.
Special mention: This evening, Ya:gasha:la #98 witnessed a cow that gave birth to a female calf, much to the happiness of all
Note: National Level Artist events – To Be Added.
The day started with devotees performing a:ra:dhana of Lord Lakshmi Narayana at around 10 AM under the aegis of HH Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Sri Ramachandra Jeeyar Swamiji.
A few of the subsequent cultural programs that started around 11:30 AM are as follows:
- School children from Gantyada village in Vijayanagaram presented a soulful rendition of Sri Ramanuja Nootrandadi at 12:10 PM. These children were trained by Sriman Ganesh garu who is a student of Nethra Though he is visually impaired himself and a Dalit, he provides direction to many children by training them and doing great service to Lord and Acharya. The children, aged 9 to 13 years relentlessly practiced for four hours a day and mastered it in four months. Their diction was flawless and pronunciation impeccable. They were given a deserving standing ovation by the audience. The girls exhibited pride in their identity, culture, country and traditions.
- Musical concert in Carnatic style was rendered by Kumari Nanduri Sai Bhavana. She sang in Telugu, Kannada and Tamil languages. Sriman Sarath Chandra garu rendered few compositions written by himself.
Discourses from eminent persons included:
- Maha mahopadhyaya Dr. Dorbala Prabhakar Sarma garu is a retired Principal of Sanskrit College, Kovvur, who had also performed avadha:nams in Sanskrit. He spoke in Sanskrit and Telugu about the inspiration that Bhagavad Ramanuja provides to the world and his visishtadvaitha philosophy at 9:45 AM.
- Sriman Gudimella Kurmanadha Swamiji (11:30 AM), Sriman Kandadai Srinivasacharya Swamiji (11:45 AM), Sriman Samudrala Satakopacharya Swamiji (12 noon) explained about different events in Sri Ramanuja’s life.
- Chakrapani Swamiji from Nepal (12:20 PM) elaborated about different Brahma Vidyas mentioned in Vedas to reach God and how Saranagati (surrender) to Lord is the easiest path to reach Lord.
- Today, for ba:la bho:gam (Breakfast) 18,000 people were served Chilly Tomato rice with coconut chutney.
- Ra:ja bho:gam (Lunch) was served for around 50,000 people until 3 PM today. Menu included rice along with Tomato dal, Potato-Tomato curry, Cabbage Fry, Lady’s finger fry, sambar, chutney, Ghee-Kesari for sweet, Rasam, curds and butter milk.