Economic Equality
According to the United Nations Development Program, the income of the richest one fifth of the world’s population was 32 times that of the poorest one fifth in 1970. By 1990, this disparity had reached 60 times. If the trend continues, by 2050, it will be 200 fold.
Is this Economic Equality
Gender Equality
736 million women globally, one in three women
Subjected to violence, sexual or otherwise
At least once in lifetime
117 million girls go ‘missing’ due to sex selective abortions.

Is this Gender Equality
Social Equality
Nearer home, the NCRB data says…
Steady rise in the atrocities against the SC, ST and Dalits
So, you will agree, it is a dismal scenario today…. of a selfish, money centered society.
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  • The political scenario is constantly changing…
  • Ideologies are in flux… so, greater are the chances of ‘contamination’.
  • Caste, creed, race, colour, even faith, have become commercial entities.
  • They are used as vote banks on one hand and changed for financial benefits, on the other. They have become kalpa vrukshas, wish-fulfilling trees.


Is this Social Equality