- The day’s program today started with chanting of the ashta:kshari manthra from 6:30 am to 7:30 am. It was a unique spectacle to see devotees from all walks of life sit together to chant the manthra at one place. This was followed by offering Vedic hymns from different scriptures to the Supreme Lord.
Scriptures offered in Veda Vinnapam: Rug Veda, – kanva and madhyadhina sa:kha from Sukla yajur veda, maitrayini and thaithayini sa:kha from Yajur veda, kaithuma, jaimini and ranayini sa:kha from sa:ma veda, paipaladha sa:kha from Attarva vedam, Pananya su:thram, Bhavad suthram, Tharka suthram, Vedanga jyothisyam, Srimad Ra:ma:yanam, Sri Vishnu Pura:nam, Srimad Bhagavatham, Sri Venkatachala Mahathyam, Sthothra Rathnam, Sri Bha:syam, Srimad Geethabha:syam, Srimad Bhagavad vishayam, Yathiraja vimsathi, Sri Sudharshana shathakam, Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama sthothram, Srimad Bhagavad Guna darpanam, Thirunama sankeerthanam and Divya Prabandham. Manthras from above scriptures were chanted in 15 pa:ra:yanasha:las in all ya:gasha:la mandapas.
Vedas are:
- apourushe:yas – not written by anyone;
- nithyas – eternal;
- sruthis – passed on from gurus to sishyas (disciples) by word of mouth without using books;
- manthras, divine formation of sounds that protect those who meditate on them
Out of the total 1131 branches from the 4 vedas, we have 9 branches available..
Today’s guest of honour: Honourable chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Sri. Shivaraj Singh Chouhan, he visited Ya:gasha:la at around 8:30pm.
Today’s istis performed:
- Laxmi Na:ra:yana isti
- Vainathe:ya isti
Note: National Level Artist events – To Be Added.
Pravachana Mandapam opened at 9:30 am today with a divine opportunity to embellish one’s intellect, jnana for devotees to perform a:ra:dhana to Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Swamy – One with a horse-face, He who saved the Vedas. It was done under the aegis of HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Ramachandra Jeeyar Swamiji.
Today’s cultural events:
- 30 children aged 5 to 15 years from Kamala Dance academy of Smt.Surekha Dasari garu, Hyderabad performed 5 stunning Bharatanatyam dances. The dance included songs of Ramadasu – ‘Thakkuvemi manaku’, ‘Jagadapu chanuvula jajara’. Their depiction of 10 avataras of The Supreme Lord fully captured attention of the audience.
- S.P. Padmasri garu, M.A in Music, founder of Swara Music academy presented a vocal Carnatic rendition. Her gaanam on ‘Gaaname Dhyanamaina vaariki’ in Lakshmi Priya raagam, composed by Sri. Tirupathi Ponna Rao garu enthralled the audience.
- Karri Nagaraju Kishore Kumar garu and his team’s Kuchipudi on ‘Kalinga Nirthana Thillana’ furrowed the audience to the banks of river Yamuna.
Today’s spiritual discourses:
These included golden words by Sri Satuluri Gopala Krishnamacharya Swam, Sri Kandadai Ramanujacharya Swami, Sri Murali Krishnamacharya Swami, Sri Bhashyam Srinivasacharya Swami and Smt.Choodamani garu.