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Samatha Yatra (Car Rally)

On Sunday 30th April 2017, to honour and celebrate the 1000th Birth Anniversary of Sri Bhagawad Ramanujacharya Swamiji, over a thousand devotees in their private vehicles, gathered at Necklace Road Hyderabad to participate in a massive car rally. The car rally was conducted as part of the Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi celebrations. The event was graced by special guests – the Hon’ble Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Governor Sriman E.S.L Narasimhan along with Sriman Dr. J Rameswar Rao garu in the divine presence of HH Sri Sri Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, HH Sri Sri Sri Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji and HH Sri Sri Sri Devanatha Jeeyar Swamiji. The Hon’ble Governor gave a speech about the greatness and selfless service rendered by Sri Bhagawad Ramanujacharya Swamiji towards equality and peace amongst humanity. He spoke about the social reforms towards equality and divinity for all beings , carried out by the magnanimous philosopher and Acharya 1000 years ago. The Hon’ble Governor spine about the various achievements of Sri Ramanujacharya Swamiji accomplished during a time when untouchability was considered a norm and the so called untouchables were prohibited by participating in worship and denied entry into the temples, Bhagawad Ramanujacharya fought for the equal rights, participation and entry into temples for all devotees irrespective of caste, creed or gender. HH Sri Sri Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamivaru also addressed the crowds gathered at the event and invited all devotees to participate in honouring and celebrating the 1000th Birth Anniversary of Bhagawad Ramanujacharya Swamiji. Over 600 cars with cheering crowds participated in the grand event that started at 3pm at People’s Plaza – Necklace Road and concluded at the same spot around 6pm.

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About Ramanujacharya:
⚘ Made temple authorities to allow oppressed and downtrodden people into temples.

⚘ Explained very categorically that the Creator of World is impartial, He never rejects any one and provided all with NARAYANA MANTHRA.

⚘ Propounded a theory that one gets honor not by caste but based on his spiritual knowledge and practice only. Said that he is prepared to go to hell even if the World gets rid of pains and sins on account of him.

⚘ Proved that the weakness of persons if properly treated than abusing them , then those persons only will become the strong foundations for a right society……………….

Know More About Ramanujacharaya